New adventures

Looking back three years ago when I first developed mast cell issues… I hardly could’ve dreamed I’d get the point I’m at now. I honestly don’t think about my mast cell issues that much, on a day to day basis. I’ve reduced my medication by a full 90% I exercise regularly I drink coffee (an important part of my life lol) I’ve dramatically expanded my … Continue reading New adventures

Coaching for Mast Cell Healing :)

Hey everyone! Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been on here! I’ve been crazy busy with a lot of different projects, such as my SI joint blog, and… drumroll, please… health coaching sessions. I originally started offering coaching through my SI joint blog. I had so many people reaching out to me from all over the world– people emailing me their phone numbers, etc. … Continue reading Coaching for Mast Cell Healing 🙂

How to get an MCAS diagnosis

Hey everyone, I shared my story recently in an online support group, and someone asked what my advice is to start getting an MCAS diagnosis. In recent posts, I’ve told the story of how I got my diagnosis, despite the fact that I didn’t technically meet all of the official diagnostic criteria. Here’s my advice for others beginning to chart a course through the medical … Continue reading How to get an MCAS diagnosis

A mast cell moment of success (sweet potatoes!)

Hey everyone, I thought it might be helpful to start chronicling some of my moments of success. Like, times I was able to do (or eat!) something that once seemed impossible. If you’re new to my blog, I was diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome in 2018 by a few doctors, including Dr. Maria Castells. Dr. Castells, and others, told me it was possible for … Continue reading A mast cell moment of success (sweet potatoes!)

Dishwasher hacks for multiple chemical sensitivity

Hey everyone, So this post is the product of way more time spent researching that I’d intended! A few months ago I started noticing my dishwasher was leaving residue on everything. At first, I thought it was purely a chemical sensitivity reaction to the detergent, as the very first thing I noticed was that my throat would start hurting anytime I ate or drank anything. … Continue reading Dishwasher hacks for multiple chemical sensitivity

Why staying hydrated helps keep your mast cells calm

Hey everyone, I just had a check-in with my nurse practitioner/friend Erin, and she brought up something that of course makes total sense, but I hadn’t thought of… Staying hydrated helps keep your mast cells calm I try to always phrase things in a positive way on this blog, to keep it compatible with neural retraining. However, if we really think of it on the … Continue reading Why staying hydrated helps keep your mast cells calm

How mast cell issues can get better over time

Hey everyone, So, in a nutshell, this is really the main post of “what I wish someone had told me.” If you have mast cell issues, it doesn’t necessarily have to be as bad as you may think it is at first. I do want to be sensitive in writing this post as I know there are different types of mast cell issues, each with … Continue reading How mast cell issues can get better over time

Why I got a diagnosis, even though I don’t fit all of criteria for mast cell activation

I was very lucky to receive a diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome from my first doctor, Dr. R., because technically, I do not fit all of the criteria for an official diagnosis. The official criteria to receive a diagnosis actually include the following, as discussed in this article: Symptoms of mast cell activation: “patients with a presumptive diagnosis of “MCAS” must have two or more … Continue reading Why I got a diagnosis, even though I don’t fit all of criteria for mast cell activation