Why staying hydrated helps keep your mast cells calm

Hey everyone,

I just had a check-in with my nurse practitioner/friend Erin, and she brought up something that of course makes total sense, but I hadn’t thought of…

Staying hydrated helps keep your mast cells calm

I try to always phrase things in a positive way on this blog, to keep it compatible with neural retraining.

However, if we really think of it on the flip side, let’s remember that dehydration can actually be really stressful on the body.

When you’re dehydrated, your blood volume goes down, so your heart rate ends up speeding up in order to compensate.

It creates a lot of other negative effects and is just stressful all around.

Staying hydrated is sometimes one of the last things on my mind, to be honest.

When everything else is said and done — food, medications, exercise— sometimes it just seems like an afterthought.

But as Erin reminded me today, staying hydrated can actually be a powerful treatment approach in and of itself (that’s why I love talking to her!).

So I am definitely going to keep this in mind going forward! Join me!

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